January 27, 2025
New Info for 2025
Hello Choir Students and Families!
I want to make sure you are all aware of some important info and events for this semester.
Course Registration for 25-26 School Year
Starting next week, Foothill Counselors will begin meeting with underclassmen to begin signing them up for their 25-26 classes. I can’t believe it’s that time already!
We will not be holding auditions until later in the school year, but if you are planning on auditioning to move up to a higher choir or stay in the same choir, either way please tell your counselor to put Choir on your schedule. I will handle all the particulars, but it’s important that you tell your counselor you want to be in Choir again next year!
Build a Better Schedule
If you want to be in Choir again but also want to take another elective and/or aren’t sure how to make Choir fit in your schedule, I can help you with that! Check out our Build a Better Schedule resource at foothillchoirs.com/bbs to learn about taking summer classes, getting a PE Waiver, or testing out of a class. The easiest way to do this is through the Nevada Learning Academy, CCSD’s online high school. There are also many other options to help you free up space in your schedule for more of the awesome elective classes that make Foothill so great. I would love to help you out with this— just let me know!
We have more choir concerts coming up this semester! Depending on what choir you’re in, you may be involved in one of these concerts, or all three. Check for the name of your choir next to each event.
Pre-Festival Concert, March 12 - Chamber Singers and Women’s Chorus
Mandatory After School Rehearsal
March 11, 1:30-3:30pm
Mandatory Pre-Festival Concert
March 12
Call Time for Performers is 5:00pm
Concert Begins at 6:30pm and ends at ~ 7:30pm
Festival, March 31 @ GVHS - Chamber Singers and Women’s Chorus
If you are in Women’s Chorus or Chamber Singers or a parent of one of these students, please be on the lookout for a separate email you will receive shortly with all the details about Festival
End of Year Concert, April 16 - Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, and Women’s Chorus
Mandatory After School Rehearsal
April 15, 1:30-3:30pm
Mandatory End of Year Concert
April 16
Call Time for Performers is 5:00pm
Concert Begins at 6:30pm and ends at ~ 7:30pm
Please note that this concert date is a change from what you originally received back at the beginning of the school year! This concert was previously scheduled for May 7th, but the date has been changed because I will probably be in the hospital having a baby by then.
Thank you for putting these concerts on your family calendar now. Planning ahead is important to make sure that no conflicts arise! Remember, it is never acceptable to ‘no call, no show’ for a Choir Concert.
Since we are more than halfway through the school year, I’d like to remind you that you can earn a Varsity Letter in Choir if you earn enough points! Visit foothillchoirs.com/lettering for details. Due to my maternity leave, the application deadline for a Letter has been moved to April 16, so plan ahead and do not leave your points-earning efforts to the last minute!